Grand Theft Auto 3 includes new feature’s free download like driving cars and full third person shooter. Now the player can see forward as well as backward. The main difference between its predecessors is that now player can receive money by doing crimes like snatching cars, killing or by destroying buildings.If you want more features of game than you must play Grand Theft Auto San Andreas .
In addition to that now player can returns to his unlocked area’s. It consists of two types of missions story line and sideline missions. If player does not interested in completing of missions then he might drive cars or explore different parts of city.There is many adventures places in game like club , parks. Even Shopping Centre are available in this game.New cars , taxi , bus,trucks all type of vehicles are in game .player have more options of weapons as well shotgun, riffle, knife, sniper riffle and much more weapons are included and player can shoot people even when he is driving as well. There is a map , money,time, health and police bar which appears on screen 24 hours. i also added more grand theft auto series are GTA Vice City Pc game which is my favourite game.


  • Processor: Intel Pentium III 1 Ghz Minimum And Intel Pentium IV Recommended.
  • Ram: 512 MB Minimum And 1 GB RAM Recommended.
  • Graphic Card / Video Memory:  64 MB Recommended
  • Hard Disk Space: 2 Gb Free

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